Fix HP Printer Error Code 49.4c02 with Easy Steps

HP printer error code 49.4c02 mostly appears due to print jobs that are in the queue. The error stops all the operations that are being made on the printer and requests for restart. The error code 49.4c02 disturbs all the printing tasks that are sent to HP printer. By the effect of this error, whenever you turn on HP printer, the error will appear again within a minute. So, given here are the effective ways to deal with this error. In case, you need technical assistance, talk to our experts by contacting HP Printer Support. Our knowledgeable experts will help you out to deal with the problem and aid you in each and every step you take to fix this error.
Causes of HP Printer Error Code 49.4c02
The 49.4c02 error code and other equivalent errors mostly encounter due to the miscommunication between the target printer and your system. That could be simply instigated by certain PDF files, the one that is trying to print or an outmoded firmware version of that printer. For a PDF file print job, the printer will display error each time it is restarted till that definite print job is dropped from the computer. If you are accessing a network printer, it will become difficult to trace down the system that sent the print. Before moving forward with the given steps, turn the printer off and detach the power with the network cable (if connected). If networked, try to find out which computer has a print job fixed in the printer queue, and delete it. Keep the printer power back in along with the network cable. Turn the printer back on and check.
Steps to Overcome HP Printer Error Code 49.4c02
Given below are the effective steps that you can try to get rid of this issue.
Step 1: Delete all the Jobs from Print Queue
Delete all the jobs that are in the Print Queue. You can do this by performing the below steps.
- Click on the Printer Icon that is at the right-hand corner of your PC to go to the Printing Device.
- Go to the Print Queue list. And delete all the jobs that are in the queue.
Step 2: Try to Print a Test Page
Switch off your printer, detach the plug that connects your printer to the system and then again switch it on. When your cable is detached, check whether the printer is in a ready state or not. After that, you can do a print test.
Step 3: Disable Advanced Printing Features
- Click on Windows Logo Printers.
- Choose the option “Printer Queue”.
- Do a left click and select the option “printing preference”.
- You need to select the Advance Option.
- From the Document Option, select the option “Advance Printing Features”.
- After that, hit to disable it.
- Check the print quality.
If the error is still there, move to the next step.
Step 4: Check if the Printing Font is Franklin Gothic Book Font or Not
Sometimes, the font Franklin Gothic Book Font lead to this Error.
Step 5: Flash and Upgrade the Printer’s Firmware
The error may also occur due to corrupted or outmoded firmware. To resolve the HP device error 49.4c02 Flash your Printer’s firmware.
Hope you find these steps helpful. Still, you come across any difficulty, dial HP Printer Phone Number. Experts will talk to you and try to resolve your problem in the best way possible.